Connecting angels, founders, funds and accelerators
Scroll down to see what’s coming up!
“Pieter and Irene bring a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience to this program. Having a room full of participants from diverse backgrounds and groups provides a wide range of questions and comments to add to the learning experience.” T.D. - Founder
Vancouver Forums
Forums are where our community of investors and selected founders meet.
Attendees will enjoy a variety of company presentations, delicious refreshments, valuable networking opportunities, and a wholesome lunch! Members benefit from exclusive access to comprehensive information about all presenting companies on our dedicated deal platform. See our Gallery for previous event photos.
“Thank you for all that you've done for the investor community. I've thoroughly enjoyed the forums, meeting other angel investors and being introduced to so many exciting companies. That certainly would not have been possible without all your efforts.” — V.T. - member

Forum At Speed
A more condensed version of our regular Forums! Join us for an afternoon session of company pitches, lunch, more pitches, and coffee break, before wrapping with networking.
“The Angel Investing course was fantastic. Although I've been part of an angel group and taken courses before, this is the first time I have had a clear understanding of the entire investment process.” D.M. - Investor

“Thank you for all that you've done for the investor community. I've thoroughly enjoyed the forums, meeting other angel investors and being introduced to so many exciting companies. That certainly would not have been possible without all your efforts.”
Mountain Summit, Squamish
Oct 8 2025
We bring the Sea to Sky’s founders and investors together for an amazing day on the mountain in Squamish up at the Gondola!
Buy your early bird ticket now - limited number available!
For those that don't know the area yet, we would like to introduce you to our beautiful Sea to Sky corridor and its population of young, entrepreneurial people, which has resulted in a centre of activity that embraces continual evolution and development.
After a beautiful drive on the Sea to Sky highway, the Sea to Sky Gondola will take you to the top where you will enjoy spectacular views, interesting speakers and panels, followed by a lunch and to stay true to our mandate: we'll arrange for 6-7 special companies to present.
After that you'll have time to explore the surroundings while enjoying - have we mentioned it yet? The beautiful views.
Seating is extremely limited. Tickets include the gondola ride, lunch and drinks. We look forward to you joining us!
“After my pitch with Angel Forum I had a few notes of follow on interest and eventually welcomed J. to our cap table with a significant investment in the round! Thought I’d let you know and a big thank you:)” Aaron de Jong – Founder and CEO movr
Stay updated. Be in the know.
We promise to send you only the good stuff!